Travelling Concepts. Text, Subjectivity, Hybridity

»Travelling Concepts. Text, Subjectivity, Hybridity« edited by Joyce Goggin and Sonja Neef. Amsterdam: ASCA, 2001

This volume of essays grew out of the 1998-1999 ASCA theory seminar entitled »Travelling Concepts: Text, Subjectivity, Hybridity,« lead by Mieke Bal. The seminar was so fruitful that an international conference on the same concepts was held in Amsterdam in January of 2000. The volume collects a series of articles around the three concepts that the conference addressed: text, subjectivity, and hybridity, as well as an introduction on the concept of »travelling concepts« by Mieke Bal.
In each of the volume’s sections the reader will find essays from diverse disciplines. The concept of text (key-address Jonathan Culler) »travels« between disciplines such as literature, philosophy, anthropology, and cinema studies. Subjectivity (key-address Michael Steinberg) as a concept is approached from disciplinary domains such as music, feminism, theatre, politics, philosophy, and painting. Hybridity (key-address Isabel Hoving) is discussed within the field of postcolonial studies, historiography, literary theory, geography and architecture. The varied acts of analysis that these essays present all share a theoretical reflection on the concept in question. This book then, represents a truly interdisciplinary contribution to contemporary scholarship throughout which the editors have maintained a consistent reference to the founding notion of travelling concepts.